The currency pair that is most traded is the EUR/USD. This pair, which represents the relative values of the European Euro and the US dollar, is the most actively traded currency pair in the world, accounting for around 28% of all foreign exchange trading volume.
There are several reasons why the EUR/USD pair is the most traded currency pair. One reason is that the Euro and the US dollar are the two most widely-used currencies in the world, and they are often used as the base currencies for international transactions. Additionally, the EUR/USD pair is closely tied to global economic conditions, as the Eurozone and the United States are two of the largest and most influential economies in the world.
Other popular currency pairs that are widely traded include the USD/JPY, the GBP/USD, and the USD/CAD. These pairs represent the relative values of the US dollar and the Japanese yen, the British pound, and the Canadian dollar, respectively. These pairs are also commonly traded due to the importance of the underlying currencies in global trade and finance.